
Monitoring for VOD
During the first 21 days after stem-cell transplant, the team will closely monitor for any signs of veno-occlusive disease (VOD).
VOD is a clinical diagnosis, meaning there is no one specific test to determine if VOD is present. A VOD diagnosis is based on a number of laboratory tests and physical assessments performed by the transplant team.
They will monitor closely for signs and symptoms and any test results that point to possible VOD.
What exams and tests help diagnose VOD?
Following transplant, the team will perform a number of physical exams and will monitor liver and kidney function with blood tests.
In addition to blood work, the physician may conduct imaging, such as an X-ray, CT (computed tomography) scan (also called CAT scan), or ultrasound to help confirm suspected signs and symptoms associated with VOD.
In rare situations, a liver biopsy may also be performed to help diagnose VOD and determine the severity of liver damage.
What will the transplant team be monitoring and looking for?
- Sudden weight gain
- Liver function
- Kidney function
- Lung function
- Pain, tenderness, and/or bloating of the abdomen due to swelling of the liver
- Possible yellowing of the skin (jaundice)
- Fluid buildup, seen as swelling of the arms and/or legs
What should I watch for to tell the transplant team?
The transplant team will be monitoring closely, but it is important to alert the team if any of the following signs and symptoms start to occur, as VOD can rapidly progress to become a serious and life-threatening condition:
Abnormal weight gain, which can occur rapidly
Bloating of the abdomen
Discomfort or pain in the abdomen
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Yellowing of the skin
Urinating less often
Downloadable guide to VOD
Print a brochure with information on VOD to share or keep for reference.
The content on this site is not intended to replace a conversation with your transplant team. Only a trained healthcare professional can evaluate your symptoms and make a diagnosis.